
Traveled to LAOS

I traveled to LAOS and met my friend and her father there. only for 2 days but had so much fun and lovely time. LAOS is not so popular among my friends but this country became the most favorite country in Asia for me. Food, People, and Nature, Atmosphere, etc. Everything is JUST RIGHT. I recommend that you should visit LAOS at least once in your life. Very enticement country, LAOS. I was really lucky to go there. Thank you, my friends!


30 turns 31.

Today is my 31 years old's birthday, April 15th. The age of 30th, my whole life had changed, moved to Indonesia, lost my place in Japan. Struggled with life and business in here, yet... 10000 times of stomached. missed friends, family, and My LIFE in Japan A LOT. not only bad things but also, I met so many people and made lovely friends here in Indonesia. still I do not know what I have, what I want to be, and what I can do. I said this to my friend and he said, it is okay to be just yourself whether you know yourself or not , the important things is just do your best every moment that you are faced in your life. and One day, these pieces are all connected and become the treasure of life.

This year, I really want to have HOME. the place where I feel most comfortable and content. I want to find my love, looking forward to meeting new friends, thank my family. go meet my lovely friends all over the world. want to keep being myself. think, say, and do positive. many big smiles!








Last weekend, I went to PULAU PARI with my friends. It was wonderful trip and made my Indonesia life more exciting. So many places and things to discover in here, if you want to find.

Thank you, Realta TourTravel for such a fun and memorable tour ; )